Lenses: Camera Lenses, Photography Lenses At dongfutrtade

About Camera Lenses:

Camera Lenses is the part of a camera that directs light to the film or, in a digital cameras, to a computer chip that can sense the light.Camera Lenses Can Be Broken Down into two types, zoom lenses and prime lenses.

Zoom Lens: refers to a lens that can be pushed and pulled, and its focal length can be changed. For example, the Sony 24-105mm F4 lens, its focal length can be changed freely between 24 and 105mm. Generally, a zoom lens has two rings, which are Zoom ring and focus ring.

The focal length of the prime lens is fixed, and there are three kinds of wide-angle lenses, medium-focus lenses and telephoto lenses.

The characteristic of wide-angle lens is that it is lower than 35mm. This kind of lens has a wide angle of view and a strong sense of depth. Relatively speaking, the scene will be slightly deformed, so it is more suitable for shooting larger scenes. If the lens is lower than 28mm, it is an ultra-wide-angle lens, which has a wider angle of view than a wide-angle lens.

The distance of the medium-focus lens is 36mm-70mm, which is closer to the normal sense of perspective and angle of view of people, and is similar to the scenery visible to the human eye. It can shoot small and fixed things such as portraits, animals and plants.

The distance of a telephoto lens is generally more than 70mm. If it is greater than 300mm, it is a super telephoto lens. This kind of lens is suitable for shooting distant scenes, such as the sky, the stage of a concert, etc.
Relatively speaking, prime lenses can provide better picture quality than zoom lenses, but not every prime lens is like this.

The main function of the extender is to increase the optical zoom factor of the camera. If the optical zoom is not enough, this method can be used to change the lens. Its calculation method is multiplication, that is, the multiple of the multiplier × the multiple of the optical zoom.

Wide-angle Lens:Suitable for taking photos of larger scenes, such as buildings, gatherings, etc.

Super Wide Angle Lens:For shooting expansive landscapes

Standard Lens:It is mostly used for ordinary landscapes, ordinary portraits, snapshots, etc. A standard lens usually refers to a photographic lens with a focal length between 40 and 55 mm. It is the most basic photographic lens among all lenses.

Medium Telephoto Lens:Suitable for shooting portraits, landscapes, travel commemorative photos, etc.

Super Telephoto Lens:Suitable for shooting distant scenery.

Macro Lens:For shooting very fine objects such as flowers and insects.

Fisheye Lens:In order to achieve the maximum photographic angle of view, it belongs to a special lens in the ultra-wide-angle lens. The fisheye lens is a short focal length ultra-wide-angle photographic lens with a focal length of about 6-16 mm.

Cinema Lens:The focus ring of a cine lens is different from that of an ordinary lens. First, you can see the teeth on the focus ring one by one. These detents are for combining with the follow focus. Different from still photos, when shooting movies, you need to adjust the focus during the shooting process. Many times, when the camera is placed on the gimbal, you cannot manually adjust the focus. At this time, you need a wireless follow focus device. The follow focus device is fixed on the lens, and there is a small gear that fits into the focus ring on the lens, and at the same time transmits wireless (or wired) signals, and a follow focus officer will focus beside the photographer.

Tilt-shift Lens:For architectural photography and advertising photography, etc.

Like cameras, lenses are critical components of photographic equipment. On a very basic level, lenses allow you to focus light onto a sensor or film and produce a sharp and clear image of the scene in front of you. Lenses also allow you to adjust exposure, modify the focal plane, and different focal lengths can be used to alter your field of view. They are as much a piece of standard equipment as they are a creative tool and an integral part of a photographer's ability to capture a scene.

Different lenses serve different purposes, from all-in-one zooms for most subjects, to more specialized, niche ultra-telephotos and ultra-wides reserved for specific shooting scenarios. The variety of lens types and designs allows the photographer to develop a unique and individual look.

When looking for a lens, some key factors to determine include focal length, aperture, prime vs. zoom, and whether the lens has a special design or is optimized for a particular use.

Focal Length
A basic consideration when choosing a lens is that the focal length describes your field of view when using a certain lens. 24mm, 35mm, 50mm, 24-70mm, 70-200mm, etc. are various common focal lengths. A lower number (eg, 24mm) indicates a wider field of view; a higher number (eg, 85mm) describes a narrower, tighter field of view.

The largest or widest aperture is also included in the lens name, such as the 50mm f/1.8 lens. That means the lens has a focal length of 50mm and a maximum aperture of f/1.8. Aperture is described in terms of f/stop, which is a fractional way of expressing "lens speed," or the ratio between the focal length and the diameter of the lens's entrance pupil.

Simply put, the lower the f/number, the faster the lens. For example, an f/1.4 lens is faster than an f/2.8 lens. A faster lens lets more light into the shot, making it better for low-light situations, and also allows for more control over depth of field. However, the consequence of faster lenses is that they tend to be larger and heavier than the same focal length with a slower maximum aperture.

Prime Vs Zoom
Lenses are either prime or zoom; "prime" means they have a fixed focal length, and "zoom" means there is a range of focal lengths available, such as 18-55mm where the lens can seamlessly switch from 18mm to 55mm. Both designs have advantages and disadvantages:
Primers are simpler, tend to be smaller and lighter, and are usually faster than zooms. They only offer one focal length, though, and you'll need to change lenses if you need to adjust your field of view.
Zoom lenses have the inherent versatility of multiple focal lengths, but also tend to be larger, heavier, and slower than equivalent prime lenses.

Our shop Provide difference Camera Lenses:Sony,Canon EF/RF/EF-S/EF-M,Nikon DX/FX,Fujifilm,Panasonic,Tamron,Sigma Lens.

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